Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tennessee Forest Fires Of 1925

The Tennessee Forest Fires of 1925 were a horrendous disaster. Treacherous flames engulfed over half the states forest population while destroying houses and buildings in its way. October was filled with watching people evacuate from their homes and orange flames fill the sky. Many grew sick as the thick air became drenched with smoke and a scent of burning wood. Many who lived where the fires had passed wore scarves over their faces in town in hopes of breathing easier. Deaths covered the local paper as people became trapped in their homes and couldn’t escape. There were few casualties but enough to scar my ten year old mind at the time.

Yes I was a ten year old boy at the time, full of innocence and life which was suddenly replaced with fear and remorse. Some could say my actions of my later human life and the life with which I’m faced now is in result of the disaster of that brisk fall month. That ocean of fire blanketing my home state would always stick with me, even now when things are hard to remember. The start of the fires were never decided and many blamed it on the unusual dry weather but I really know what happened to start them. I remember the exact day like it happened just yesterday.

My dad was hard at work while mother was gone to a special lunch with the other ladies of the town. They left me home alone in trusting that I could take care of myself and no trouble would arise. A group of the older boys in town passed by our house and my little mind wondered where they were going. I looked up to them at the time, they were always having fun and the broads in town seemed to fancy them. My eyes lit up as I noticed one of the boys carrying a bottle rocket in his hand. I quickly decided to follow them as my curiosity and bewilderment got the best of me.

Each boy took turns lighting one of the bottle rockets and goofing off as it spiraled into the air. We were deep in the forest and I would watch as each rocket shimmered red against the deep green of the trees. Each boys laughter made me chuckle on my own and I longed to be older and cooler like them. Soon each boy left and I was stuck in the deep silent woods by myself.

I was just about to leave and sneak back home when I noticed a left over rocket and match tucked away near a rock. Just lighting one wouldn’t be any harm I thought to myself as I skipped over to examine the rocket. Before I knew it I was lighting the cord and running back to watch the fire escape from it but something went wrong. Instead of going straight up it went crazy and turned crosswise into some tree’s. Yellow sparks flew and caught the dried pine needles on fire, the smell of deep pine soon turned to smoke as the whole tree was engulfed into a flame. I stood speechless and scared as the flame slowly moved from one tree to the next claiming its next victim. My little heart was beating faster than a rabbits hop as tears streamed my face.

I ran home, not wanting a single person to find out what had happened. Part of me prayed that the fire would stop and nothing else happen. The rest of the day I stayed hid under covers in my bedroom, not speaking to anyone as they came home. Then the next day came and I found out my prayers were not answered, the fire had spread for acres.

I grew up fast in the next month as the fires spread even further. The destruction in my hometown was unbearable as I watched my mom cry over the local sewing factory being burned to a crisp. Watching everything unfold and knowing it was my fault was almost to much for my little self. Countless times I almost admitted the truth but would back out, not wanting to spend the rest of my life grounded or whatnot. Guilt took its toll though, I was very much punished. I stopped talking to the other little boys in town and stayed to myself. Often helping my father in the afternoons volunteer on buildings that had been destroyed or cleaning up ashes in the yard.

I never told anyone about the fires and often think maybe it was best. When I was sixteen I sat with a preacher and cried when all the horrendous memories of the fire flooded my mind. He never asked what upset me but promised no matter what god would forgive me for whatever it was. That thought alone helped me forgive myself even though to this day I regret playing with that bottle rocket. Regret even more the destruction and disaster it caused

Fresh Prince Of Forks

So I was driving home the other day when the Fresh Prince Song popped into my head, so what did I do? I remixed it and made it my own..

Now, this is the story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Forks

In south Tennessee born and raised,
In the woods was where I spent most of my days,
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool,
And all shootin some deer outside of the woods,
When a couple of bears Who were up to no good
Startin making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and Ro found me all scared She said 'You're gonna be safe I'm taking you to Forks

I begged and pleaded with her for 3 days,
But she packed my suite case and stayed by my side
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me a new life
I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it

First class, yo this is bad.
Drinking blood out of a champagne glass.
Is this what the people of Forks living like?Hmmmmm this might be alright.
But wait, I hear the prissy, booze, whine, all that
Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat?
I don't think so, I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Forks.

Well uh, the burning stopped and when I looked up,There was a dude who looked like a doctor standing there with my name out.
I ain't trying to start trouble. I just got here!I
sprang with the quickness, like lightening disappeared

I whistled through the woods as Ro came near,
The way she moved screamed fresh and her car had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say is that this broad was rare,
But I thought 'forget it' - 'Yo home to Forks'.

I pulled up to the house about seven or eight
And I yelled to Rose'Yo babe see ya later'.
I looked to my kingdom, I was finally there.To sit on my throne as the Prince of Forks

A letter to Renesmee

I wrote this letter a few days after Ness was born, in hopes she would read it when she was a little older

A few days have passed since you entered this world and already you have made an impact. Beautiful beyond words, is the thought that came to my mind as Rosalie held you. Certainly no one would be able to deny their love they already felt for you. Did you know that the instant Bella woke up and saw you that this family truly became whole. Everyone had a glimpse of what life could offer in your eyes, something that your aunt Rose really needed.

Fear strikes me slightly as I think of the difficulties you may face in life. Gosh kiddo you already have me fearing something and that’s a miracle. Having said that I have advice for you when things get tough and you feel like the world is letting you down. I hope that even when the days are cloudy and you feel like crying that you don’t give up. Just because things get ugly doesn’t mean that there is not a bright shining rainbow at the end of it. Kindness should be your main asset but never settle because of it. Life is far to precious to just settle on things and you are far to brilliant to settle for less than what you deserve. Most importantly remember that your family will always love you and have your back. No one else will be able to get you down when you remember these things. Oh and one more little piece of advice, if you have a wild streak like sneaking out do not think about it around your father. Please for the life of me don’t do it anyway but try to hide it if you do.

Quiet fills the house as I write this letter to you and I can imagine you years from now reading it. Remarkable things will happen between now and then and I can only hope that your life will be one of happiness. Something that fairy tales are written about and other little girls are jealous of. The day you were born will stay sacred to me because it was the day something changed in me. Usually your aunt Rose was the only woman to own my heart but on that day you stole a piece of it as well. Various things in me changed but you made me calmer and funnier, let my fatherly side show even though I will never get to show those sides to my own children. With these things being said I must finish this letter up and go help your mom hunt since she is new at this life. X-box’s will also be your friend in this world when people are bothering you, yes I know it’s not really advice and I’m late adding this but I’m sure when you read this you will know me enough to understand why. You’re an amazing full of life, take your breathe away girl ok, never forget that. Zealous I’ am for you to read this letter but I must seriously go now.
-Your Uncle Emm