Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An Ocean Of Emotions

Ever had one of those week’s where everything is hectic and you feel every range of emotion possible. Well that’s this week for me..

The emotions that ran through me as I read the newspaper article were intense. I started having flashbacks of a girl-strawberry blonde, freckles, you could definitely say she was pretty. I knew she had to be the girl mentioned in the paper Ann-marie. I don’t remember anything from my human life so those flash’s scared me. Why now and who is she. I know reading the name triggered these memories so she must be someone important. My mind has not stopped going over who she could be since I read it. My actions have hurt Rose and it pains me to see her upset but I cant help it. My whole being is drawn to finding out who they are. I have never been so close to maybe finding out a piece of who I am.

Then Alice and Jasper leaving us hurt. Losing family always feels like a piece of you is being taken. Not only was I hurt that they left but so angry at them for doing this to the family. When I found out the truth as to why they left I was slightly relieved. Mixed feelings about fighting with the Volturi took over me. Either it was fight for them or lose our freedom and so I had to do what had to be done. The thought of never seeing Rose again or my family not surviving struck me hard. I pushed forward and fought for them. Never have I been happier to have won something. The relief of living another day with my angel and seeing my family took over and made me so happy