Saturday, October 24, 2009

Part 1 The Face Of Death

I do not remember any of the days before the one that would change my being but I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the spring 0f 1935 and the forest was rabid with wildlife. I search my brain for the reason as to why I was there but it never comes. I do remember the sound of the birds chirping, the cool air comforting my face. Freedom of being alone and free to do as I please. It had recently rained and everything was green and the air was covered with the stench of dirt and water.
I remember the feeling of thinking something was behind me but I ignored it. As I continued on the trail I felt like nothing could bring me down and then I felt it. It was unbearable and horrible. My body was picked up and thrown to the ground and picked up again, furiously being thrown around. I tried hard to concentrate on what was causing the pain and throwing me around and saw it was a bear. My instincts kicked in and I tried to fight back but it was no use. He ripped through my body and clawed my face. I remember praying that he would stop or just finish me off. The pain was like a million knives stabbing me in every direction. The bear threw me down and I couldn’t move so I tried to squint to see my body. The only thing I could see was the mess of blood surrounding me and on me. I noticed the bear back up and thought to myself that it didn’t matter. I knew I was going to die. My body was lifeless, I couldn’t move and was on the verge of passing out.
As I laid on the blood drenched dirt I heard another muffled noise. My frantic mind reached the conclusion that another bear had come to finish off my carcass and that’s when I heard the commotion. The bears were fighting over who would get to finish me off. Secretly I wished that one would win already so it could finish me off, anything was better than the horrendous pain I was going though. I closed my eyes and a second latter I felt like I was flying. My body was moving but I knew it wasn’t because of me. I was dead or at least thought I was. My eyes were heavy and did not want to open but I fought to see. What I saw was the most beautiful angel that could ever live. She was taking me to god and I didn’t feel so bad anymore as long as I was in her arms.
The angel carried me to god and that’s when the burning began. Every inch of my body burned and I knew it was to good to be true, I was in hell. The burning was intense and more painful than the bear attacking me. I was able to open my eyes once during the burning and managed to catch a glimpse of my angel. My mind started screaming, why was the angel here? What had happened that had caused her to be by my side in hell. I started to hear murmurs and realized it was gods voice. He kept coming in and out checking on the beautiful angel. I remember screaming in my head at him. I was terrified that he was going to send the angel away from me. That I would have to suffer through the unbearable burning of hell without her.
When the burning subsided and I was able to speak I was at a lost of words to what had happened. The angel and god explained everything to me. When they explained that I was no longer human it didn’t even register in my head. I wasn’t angry or the least bit upset, part of me was excited. They were shocked at how well I took the news but the same thing kept pounding in my head so I explained to them why I wasn’t upset. I felt like if they were both vamps then it couldn’t be so bad. I think back now to those days and always find myself amazed. I had my troubles at first, with the rules but everything worked out. Some believe this life we live is hell, to that all I have to say is “hells not so bad when you get to keep an Angel with You.”